
Easi Liquid Feeds

Our premium selection of Easi liquids are fully formulated and rich in essential nutrients, with a high dry matter content, to achieve totally balanced rations (TBR) while supporting sheep and cattle in a variety of situations. All products in the Easi range come in 1000 - 2000 litres.



Protein, energy and magnesium for cows on lower quality forage


The solution for grass stagger problems in cattle

Easi-Pro 40

A liquid feed for cattle to improve forage quality and maximise intake


A liquid feed for pre calving cows to help reduce the risk of milk fever

Easi-Sheep 18

A liquid feed to balance protein and energy requirements for Ewes

Easi-Sheep 22

A liquid feed to balance protein and energy requirements for Ewes


A liquid feed for pre-lambing ewes to support
nutrition over the lambing period

Easi-Gain 28

A liquid feed for high performance cattle to support diets for maximum growth

Easi-Gain 40

A liquid feed for high performance cattle to support diets for maximum growth